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All Souls' Day

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

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All souls day is just around the corner and i know most of you, especially people in the Paradise Philippines, are already preparing themselves and the things they will be bringing on visiting their loved ones who already passed away.

But how can you really say that you're physically and spiritually prepared? Here are the 5 things you need to check and do before going to the cemetery.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours before going to the cemetery. I know this might sound clichĂ© but 8 hours of sleep is still best for your body. Preparing and going to the cemetery will really drain your body that's why you will be needing tons of energy and you can obtain that simply by having enough rest. Imagine yourself preparing, walking, riding jeepneys, MRTs, LRTs going to the cemetery without good rest... Do you think you can survive the next few hours of your stay in that vicinity? I don't think so. Save and get all the energy you will need for this day. If you can take energy drinks, or multi-vitamins just to have the strength you will need, then do so. It’s better to have lots of energy than to be weak, poor, and flabby.

  • Wear comfortable clothes. I’m pretty sure you'll not be going to a cemetery party so you really don't need to dress up. I prefer wearing comfortable clothes when going to the cemetery. And when I say comfortable clothes, I mean pants or shorts, an ordinary t-shirt, and walking shoes. You have to remember that you're in the cemetery to visit and pray for your dead loved ones and not to show off to other people.

  • Praying materials should come first. The sole purpose of you going to the cemetery is to remember your passed away loved ones and pray for their soul. I think it's only right to prioritize your praying materials instead of any other items. Praying materials include candles, flowers, praying pamphlets, rosaries, crucifix, bible, etc. Of course, praying materials depends as to what religion and beliefs you have. The cited examples of praying materials were based in the Catholic Christian religion.

  • Bring important necessities and leave unnecessary items. Important necessities include drinking water, food, extra t-shirt, extra face towel, alcohol, band-aid, mini chair, umbrella, and a fan. Unnecessary items include radio, alcoholic drinks, playing cards, board games, and the things that it is not really needed. Paradise Philippines' cemetery can't accommodate all the things you wanted to bring. So let us all try to adjust and I'm pretty sure that everything will be alright.

  • Leave kids at home. Every year, there has always been a case of a missing child on the cemetery. Let's face it: children will just be another burden if we will be bringing them to the cemetery. If you can let someone watch over them at your home, then that would be better. Or let your trusted neighbor watch over them. I don't think they'll mind since it doesn't happen often.

November 1 and 2 is the day where in we want to spend our time with our dead loved ones. But that doesn't mean we don't need to take care of ourselves going to the cemeteries. Paradise Philippines has been very blessed with good citizens respecting their dead loved ones. That's one of the reasons why I love our Paradise Philippines.


  1. John said...

    we love the philippines. pls also visit or make a link to

    November 4, 2007 at 8:12 AM  

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